

4961 × 7016 px - 3.7 MB PNG.
Made with Krita

Album: Artworks

Categories: Illustrations

Tags: #Black & white #Illustration



4500 × 4500 px - 3.7 MB PNG.
Made with Krita

Album: Artworks

Categories: Illustrations

Tags: #Black & white #Illustration

Der Gott Der Stadt

Der Gott Der Stadt

4500 × 6000 px - 10.7 MB PNG.

Based on the poem, Der Gott Der Stadt, by the German expressionist Georg Heym
Made with Krita

Album: Artworks

Categories: Illustrations

Tags: #Black & white #Illustration

Cernunnos The Horned God

Cernunnos The Horned God

3682 × 5000 px - 1.2 MB PNG.
Made with Krita

Album: Artworks

Categories: Illustrations

Tags: #Black & white #Illustration

Caught In

Caught In

4126 × 5085 px - 1.9 MB PNG.

Made with Krita

Album: Artworks

Categories: Illustrations

Tags: #Black & white #Illustration

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